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Community Safety Planning
Monday, December 9, 2024
Community Safety Planning Backgrounder
The Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation (PBCN) has embarked on a Community Safety Planning
Process in partnership with Public Safety Canada (PSC). This process seeks to articulate the unique safety and wellness challenges facing our communities and work toward community-based solutions. The process is led by a Core Group of PBCN community members who are supported by a PSC program officer and an independent Indigenous Facilitator. The result of this process will be a unique PBCN Community Safety Plan (CSP) which will be used to secure funding and resources for the implementation of our plan.
What we’ve accomplished so far:
- Conducted two, 2-day, in-person meetings with representation from all 8 PBCN communities (with a third session planned for February)
- Participated in team building exercises to strengthen trust and collaboration within the Core Group
- Engaged in environmental scanning activities to identify community strengths, challenges, and resources
- Discussed and prioritized key safety issues impacting the PBCN
- Brainstormed community-driven solutions to address these challenges
- Began identifying and building partnerships that will support our safety initiatives
- Worked with the RCMP to better understand gang-related safety issues
Our Community Safety Priority Areas
- o Improve Collaboration, Communication
- and Build Safety Capacity
- o Enhance RCMP Accountability
- o Support, Value and Ensure Staff Safety o Expand Mental Health Supports
- o Address Community Violence o Leverage Technology
- o Empower Youth and Families o Invest in Infrastructure
Your Voice Matters
There will be an opportunity to include your voice and share your feedback on thedraft community safety plan through a survey in the new year.
Together, we can shape a safer, stronger future for everyone!
For more information, please contact Troy Cooper, Community Safety Lead, at csafety@pbcn.
The Aboriginal Community Safety Planning Initiative (ACSPI) empowers Indigenous communities to create tailored safety plans through a healing, community-driven process. It addresses safety and wellness issues identified by the community and is guided by principles of holistic, culturally relevant approaches that emphasize community involvement, respect for each community’s unique state, and recognition of their strengths. Developed by and for Indigenous Peoples, the ACSPI fosters self- etermination and culturally grounded solutions.

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